We're having our first ever contest for a free code for $20 on the Nintendo eShop! and it has to do with the Mighty Boy Flash Version 2 Update!
How to win the code
1. You'll need something that can record gameplay, it can be a camera or capture card, doesn't matter.
2. You'll need to beat the Final Story in the Mighty Boy Flash Version 2 Update to unlock the Hard Mode.
3. You'll have to make a video of yourself beating the Hard Mode, then you'll have to send me the video on Discord or Gmail.
4. If you're the 1st person to send me the video, you will receive the free code for $20 on the Nintendo eShop.
Gmail: MightyWolf123@gmail.com
Discord: Trevyn15 #5154
Don't forget the Mighty Boy Flash (Version. 2) Update will be available to play starting on Saturday, August 10th, 2019.