Show News: The rereleased version of Mighty Boy S3-E1 & Mighty Boy S3-E2 are now released and kids under 13 can now watch them. Along with that, a brand new episode is released, you can now watch S3-E3!
Game News: Go-Go Karter has updated, Version 1.1.0 is now playable
(Patch Notes)
*Special Bowl has been added, featuring 2 new tracks, Linden Forest from Mighty Boy Flash and Green Circuit from Glitcho.
*Music Credits have been updated.
*Menus have been updated.
*Glitch with Mark being able to go through the red walls have been fixed.
And for the upcoming MWTV game Glitcho, the demo is now playable, the full game will release on Saturday, January 25th, 2020.